Welcome! This is the homepage of Sa-TikZ
, a TikZ library to draw Switching architectures.
The version v0.6 provides a way to draw Clos Networks Strictly-non-Blocking
(snb) and Rearrangeable (rear), Benes Networks and Banyan Networks (in particular Omega and Flip Networks); moreover, the package provides the possibility
to fully customize the aspect of the drawn network: the dimensions of module,
their distance and the font used are few examples. Finally, Sa-TikZ
let the user
to draw connections among the stages by accessing the single ports of the modules.
is distributed under TeXLive and MiKTeX and it is part of the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network - CTAN.
The official CTAN page is it provides
a link to download the documentation, also accessible typing in a terminal texdoc sa-tikz
How to contact the author
To contact me for feature requests or problems you can send me an e-mail.
Please, if you have problems try to produce a minimal working example (MWE): this helps in understanding more quickly the issue and to give you a faster answer.
Simple examples of Clos Networks
Clos Networks could be Strictly Non Blocking or Rearrangeable. Sa-TikZ
allows to draw them in both modes
by computing automatically the constraints that define a Clos Network to belong to a given type.
In the first example it is shown a Clos Network Strictly Non Blocking 8x10 with modules 2x2 for the first and the last stage.
The code:
\documentclass{article} \usetikzlibrary{switching-architectures} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[N=8, r1=4, M=10, clos snb] {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
The same Clos Network 8x10 with modules 2x2 for the first and the last stage is now drawn in order to be Rearrangeable.
The code:
\documentclass{article} \usetikzlibrary{switching-architectures} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[N=8, r1=4, M=10, clos rear] {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
A simple example of Benes Networks
This example represents a Benes Network 32x32 drawn in its whole completexity.
The code:
\documentclass{article} \usetikzlibrary{switching-architectures} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ module size=0.6cm, pin length factor=0.5, module ysep=1] \node[P=32,benes complete] {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
An advanced example
This advanced example shows a possible configuration of a Benes Network step by step in a presentation. Notice how in the left column it is shown the next built path before it is drawn in the network: this could be done using in the proper way the instruments provided by Beamer.
The code:
\documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{switching-architectures} % \newcounter{port} % legend image \newcommand{\leg}[1]{% \tikz[baseline=-0.5ex]\draw[#1,ultra thick](0,0)--(1.5em,0); } % arrow \newcommand{\tikzarrow}[1]{% \tikz[baseline=-0.5ex]\draw[-stealth](0,0)--(0.75em,0); } % connection description \newcommand{\mydescription}[3]{% \item<+->[\leg{#1}] in #2 \tikzarrow\ out #3 } \begin{document} \begin{frame}{A Benes Network: a possible configuration} \begin{columns}[T] % The network \begin{column}{0.7\textwidth}% \centering % Style to customize the module's aspect \tikzset{module size definition/.style={ module size=0.75cm, pin length factor=0.75, module xsep=2.25, module ysep=1.25, } } \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.9,transform shape] \node[module size definition,benes complete={module label opacity=0}] {}; % Labels % * * * % input \setcounter{port}{0} \foreach \startmodule in {1,...,4}{ \foreach \port in {1,...,2}{ \stepcounter{port} \node[left,font=\tiny] at (r1-\startmodule-front input-\port) {in~\theport}; } } % * * * % output \setcounter{port}{0} \foreach \startmodule in {1,...,4}{ \foreach \port in {1,...,2}{ \stepcounter{port} \node[right,font=\tiny] at (r5-\startmodule-front output-\port) {out~\theport}; } } % * * * % Connections % overlay starts with 2 such that the newtork is empty at the beginning \draw<2->[red,ultra thick](r1-2-input-1)--(r1-2-output-2)-- (r2-3-input-2)--(r2-3-output-1)-- (r3-3-input-1)--(r3-3-output-2)-- (r4-4-input-1)--(r4-4-output-1)-- (r5-3-input-2)--(r5-3-output-2); \draw<3->[blue,ultra thick](r1-4-input-1)--(r1-4-output-1)-- (r2-2-input-2)--(r2-2-output-1)-- (r3-1-input-2)--(r3-1-output-1)-- (r4-1-input-1)--(r4-1-output-1)-- (r5-1-input-1)--(r5-1-output-2); \draw<4->[orange,ultra thick](r1-4-input-2)--(r1-4-output-2)-- (r2-4-input-2)--(r2-4-output-1)-- (r3-3-input-2)--(r3-3-output-1)-- (r4-3-input-1)--(r4-3-output-2)-- (r5-2-input-2)--(r5-2-output-2); \draw<5->[green!50!black,ultra thick](r1-3-input-2)--(r1-3-output-2)-- (r2-4-input-1)--(r2-4-output-2)-- (r3-4-input-2)--(r3-4-output-1)-- (r4-3-input-2)--(r4-3-output-1)-- (r5-1-input-2)--(r5-1-output-1); \draw<6->[violet!70,ultra thick](r1-1-input-2)--(r1-1-output-2)-- (r2-3-input-1)--(r2-3-output-2)-- (r3-4-input-1)--(r3-4-output-2)-- (r4-4-input-2)--(r4-4-output-2)-- (r5-4-input-2)--(r5-4-output-2); \draw<7->[blue!50!cyan,ultra thick](r1-3-input-1)--(r1-3-output-1)-- (r2-2-input-1)--(r2-2-output-2)-- (r3-2-input-2)--(r3-2-output-2)-- (r4-2-input-2)--(r4-2-output-1)-- (r5-3-input-1)--(r5-3-output-1); \draw<8->[brown,ultra thick](r1-2-input-2)--(r1-2-output-1)-- (r2-1-input-2)--(r2-1-output-1)-- (r3-1-input-1)--(r3-1-output-2)-- (r4-2-input-1)--(r4-2-output-2)-- (r5-4-input-1)--(r5-4-output-1); \draw<9->[gray,ultra thick](r1-1-input-1)--(r1-1-output-1)-- (r2-1-input-1)--(r2-1-output-2)-- (r3-2-input-1)--(r3-2-output-1)-- (r4-1-input-2)--(r4-1-output-2)-- (r5-2-input-1)--(r5-2-output-1); \end{tikzpicture} \end{column} % avoids to much space between columns \hspace*{-4em} % Column with connections: they are displayed one frame % before being drawn \begin{column}{0.35\textwidth}% \raggedleft Connections \begin{description} \scriptsize \mydescription{red}{3}{6} \mydescription{blue}{7}{2} \mydescription{orange}{8}{4} \mydescription{green!50!black}{6}{1} \mydescription{violet!70}{2}{8} \mydescription{blue!50!cyan}{5}{5} \mydescription{brown}{4}{7} \mydescription{gray}{1}{3} \end{description} \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \end{document}