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Thesis theme for Beamer

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Welcome! This is the homepage of Beamer2Thesis, a Thesis theme for Beamer. You can find the documentation realized, of course, as presentation in two languages: the english guide and the italian guide. The documentation is also available with other theme options, for example in this english guide three logos are present in the titlepage, while in this italian guide the titlepage shows how multi-candidate, multi-supervisor and multi-assistant supervisor are handled.

Beamer2Thesis is distributed under TeXLive and MiKTeX and it is part of the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network - CTAN.

How to contact the author

There are basically two ways to contact the author:

  1. send me an email;
  2. join the Facebook group/Facebook page and report in chat or as a post your problem.

Please, if you have problems try to produce a minimal working example (MWE) in which I can immediately understand the issue.

The first example

This is a minimal example in which all default options are used.




The two frames that are produced are:

Title page frame

Text frame

A second example

In this second example, some options are shown: the default color is set to green, the language is italian, the bullet shape is square and there are more advisors and candidates.

\author{Claudio Fiandrino}
\rel{Mario Rossi}
\title{Beamer2Thesis, un tema Beamer per le tesi di Laurea}
\ateneo{Politecnico di Torino}
\date{3 Maggio 2012}
\secondsupervisor{Paolo Bianchi}
\assistantsupervisor{Luca Verdi}
\secondassistantsupervisor{Valentina Gialli}
\secondcandidate{Elisa Rossi}


\begin{tframe}{Una diapositiva}
\item Primo elemento
\item un elemento annidato
\item un secondo elemento annidato
\item Secondo elemento

As result, the following two frames are produced:

Title page frame-second example

Text frame-second example

Use a different language than english or italian

Beamer2Thesis from the first version only provided support for english and italian languages. From the version 2.2, also other languages are supported. Here is an example with spanish.

\author{Claudio Fiandrino}
\rel{Mario Rossi}
\title[Titulo]{Título de la tesis muy larga}
\ateneo{Mi universidad}
\date{3 Maggio 2012}
\assistantsupervisor{Luca Bianchi}

\setrellabel{Relator Tesis}
\setassistentsupervisorlabel{Co Tesis}
\setsubject{Tesis de Laurea}


\highlight{Debido} a que el número de grafías para estos sonidos nuevos 
resultaba excesivo (z, c, ç) y a que su uso ya no respondía a diferencias reales, 
la RAE decidió, en el siglo XVIII, simplificar el alfabeto eliminando la ç.

As result, the following two frames are produced:

Title page frame-third example

Text frame-third example